Want to lose weight? Meet the trainer who says you’re probably not eating enough

Terry featured in Healthista discussing the negative impact on fat loss by UNDER-eating!!

“As a PT, I’ve heard an array of differing opinions and questions on what is considered to be the best diet out there for weight loss.

Should we be counting calories? How many calories should we be eating? Should we all be on a low fat, low carb or high protein diet? Should we be fasting? Are we meant to be eating small, regular meals three times a day?”


Healthista features our 10 week weight loss transformation with Dina … she lost 12 kilos and 17 inches! Dina shares 10 fat loss secrets she learned through her process!

“One of the main things I have learnt during this transformation, that I will remember for a life time, is that you need to train right for your body type.

Your Body Programme teaches you how to train effectively for your body type so that you aren’t wasting your precious time, effort and money – because let’s face it, life really is too short to be wasting time on anything let alone a treadmill.”


Healthista feature Luisa performing a YBP weight loss workout (week two) …. give it a go yourself!

“These weight loss workouts are all circuit-based routines structured in a way to keep your work rate up to a high level of intensity and make sure you are getting the most out of your workout.

Let’s see what Luisa from Your Body Programme has for you and remember these workouts are going to make you sweat, but that’s ok because sweat is just your fat crying”.

This top trainer’s weight loss workout will change your body

Over the next five weeks Healthista will bring you five workouts designed for weight loss by top trainers Terry Fairclough and Luisa Valenti, founders of the Your Body Programme 

“The gym might have been quiet over the Christmas period but, Terry Fairclough co-founder of Your Body Programme wants to unsettle the dust on those dumbbells with five weeks of circuit workouts structured for weight loss.

These weight loss workouts are all circuit based routines created to keep your heart rate up to a high level of intensity making sure you are getting the most out of your workout.”


Terry (featured in Healthista) sets the record straight on good, bad and ugly carbs!!

“Carbohydrates always receive bad press. I often hear people say they are ‘cutting out carbs’, as though it will be the magic cure-all for their weight problems.

For some people carbs may be the problem, but it’s far more likely that they aren’t losing weight for a plethora of other reasons.”

We are the city

Our very own Luisa Valenti is featured as an ‘Inspirational Woman’… Take a peek at her story!

“I think the ability to listen and learn from people has been key to my success. There are lessons everywhere. I do not believe in luck, we create our own luck. A very successful man once told me “the harder we work, the luckier we become!” We are all presented with opportunities along the way and it is our responsibility to see them and choose to take them.”

Summer superfoods

Bella Magazine feature our very own Terry Fairclough. He tells us why salmon is so good for us, and how to prep it!

“The fat and protein combination helps control blood-sugar levels and prevent food cravings”

“The tastiest way to enjoy salmon is grilled, with a squeeze of lemon, and served with a mixed salad.“

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Is Salt As Bad For Our Health As We Think?

Very informative advise from Terry Fairclough. How much salt is too much? Plus what type of salt should we eat?

“We actually need a little bit of salt for optimal health. However, that amount differs and some people are more susceptible to the effects than others.”

“Himalayan salt contains more calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron than other salts and sea salt can reduce inflammation and even help with muscle cramps.”

How much water should I drink in a day?

Are you staying hydrated? Terry shares his top tips for keeping your fluid intake up…

*Hot or warm water from the kettle is often easier to drink than water straight from the fridge, when the weather is cold.
*Start the day with a glass of water to flush the body of toxins built up overnight.

Nutritional psychiatry

Does food affect your mental health? Netdoctor ask Terry for his expert opinion on the subject…check it out!

“Eating a clean diet balances blood sugar, helps the liver remove toxins, balances hormones, up-regulates thyroid function, helps increase energy levels and positive aesthetic changes will subsequently improve mood”


An informative article by Terry on the health issues related to alcohol consumption.

“It seems that alcohol detoxifies best between 1 and 3am in the morning, however it does this best when you have stopped drinking and are lying down”

Work it out

Amazing article featuring Luisa, how to get the best workout at home using body weight exercises.

“Whether your intention is to lose fat, build muscle, improve posture or work on injury rehabilitation or prevention, body weight exercises can be beneficial”

Luisa becomes part of the Expert Panel for Healthy mag!

Luisa is delighted to be invited to join the expert panel reviewing fitness articles! Check out her bio in the latest edition of Healthy mag on sale now

“I work very hard, yet I understand the importance of surrounding myself with good, positive people. I invest a lot into family and friendship, I believe talking and sharing is key to happiness… along with dancing! I may not have the moves I once had as a professional dancer, but going to a swing dance class with my 73 year old dad makes me heart smile.” Luisa

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Fire up the barbie

Some great advise from Terry featured in Woman and Home … how to make barbecues healthier!

“Its easy to make your own burgers: put 500g beef mince, 2 egg whites, fresh parsley, 2tsp English mustard and some seasoning into a blender. Blitz and shape into patties”

“Choose an oil with a high smoke-point like coconut oil or rapeseed. When oils reach their smoke-point they release toxic fumes and also produce harmful free radicals, something best avoided.”

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Healthy ways to use your food scraps

Terry gives Euro News the low down on how to use your food scraps! it’s estimated that nearly one third of all food produced is thrown away or discarded!

“Roast chicken is so versatile and can be used within the following three days. Make a wrap by shredding the meat with a fork, mixing it with avocado and adding a little lemon juice. Or try making a salad. Add the meat to some cooked, cold quinoa, some chickpeas, roasted peppers, coriander, a little olive oil and seasoning.”

Outdoor gyms circuits.. (Master the move!)

In this double page spread (in Healthy mag) Luisa shares an effective workout using outdoor gym equipment…give it a try!

“I find an increased sense of vitality and vigour with my clients I train outside, a positivity and sense of enthusiasm. Some people may find an indoor gym daunting, a bit stuffy or dark. They may feel the great outdoors is more their vibe. It’s important to enjoy (or at the very least, not dread) the exercise we do. We are more likely to stick to a routine if we enjoy it and therefore benefit from the results. Pick up a copy of Healthy this month and have a go at my outdoor gym workout, its challenging!” …Luisa

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7 days to better hydration

Woman’s Own features Terry! He explains how pink Himalayan salt can help to keep us hydrated.

“Drinking water that is low or void of minerals will cause minerals from the body to be absorbed into that water in an effort to maintain a mineral balance. By adding a pinch of Himalayan pink salt, per four litres of water, we can prevent this occurring as the body is already balanced and has no need to attract minerals.”

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How to train right for your body type

A super article by Luisa featured on The Daily Struggle! Be proud of your body type!

“Back in the 1940s a man called William Sheldon devoted his life to observing the variety of human bodies. He proposed that there are, fundamentally, three main different body types: Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph. This idea was not new, the philosopher Plato mentions it as far back as 380bc.

We don’t all necessarily fall neatly into one body type. You may be a mixture of an ectomorph and mesomorph or a mesomorph and an endomorph. You will not find a mix of the ectomorph and endomorph as they are at the opposite ends of the scale.”

Do you know your body type? Check out our quiz at the end of the article!

Revealed: how pro-athletes fuel their training

Red Bull ask Terry for his expert opinion on how to fuel the body for different sports!

“Climbing is about a good weight to strength ratio,” says nutritionist Terry Fairclough. “Keeping body fat down is essential. Professional climbers tend to have an ectomorph [light build with lean muscle] or ecto-mesomorph [lean and muscular] build. They are lightweight, and the sport is more about endurance than explosion, so they require a good balance between weight and isometric strength.

How to eat like a nutritional therapist

The Daily Struggle asks Terry to share his tips on healthy eating! He explains what is good for you and why!

We are all different with likes, dislikes, allergies, intolerances, religious, ethical, health and socio-economic factors to consider. What we do for a living, exercise, pollutant exposure, medication and what health issues we may have all need to be addressed when creating a diet plan. The old adage “we are what we eat” is a very true one. Bones, muscle, organs, hormones, enzymes and nerves all function, manufactured and repaired from the food we eat. As Hippocrates said 2,500 years ago “let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”.