At YPB we have 3 exercise levels to chose from. Take a look below to see which best suits you. We will also deduce, through an initial questionnaire, which level we feel is appropriate. There are gradual progressions built into every level so even if you stay a beginner for 3 months you will still notice the difficulty level increase. If you begin your programme and feel the level is wrong then we will move you up or down accordingly.
The difficulty level is based on your experience, ability and technique. It is not based on the amount of weight you can lift. We will always ask you to lift weights relevant to the rep range we have set for you. For example, if your rep range is between 8–10 reps the chosen weight should be heavy enough that you cannot lift more than 10 reps, but not so heavy that you cannot perform 8 reps. You must always complete your last rep with good technique. Never allow your form to be compromised by lifting too heavy a weight, as this will result in injury.
If you have never exercised, or are relatively new to exercise, then we would suggest starting with this level. You will still work to your maximum and it should not feel easy, yet the exercises will be technically less challenging than the other levels.
Our recommended frequency of sessions will be slightly lower on the beginner level. If you want to increase (or even decrease) the frequency, then of course that’s possible, just remember to keep the order of your workouts as specified and always give yourself a rest day once every 5 days.
If you are a regular at the gym or have exercised frequently in the past then try this level. The exercises are technically more challenging than on the beginner level and require good core control with an understanding of neutral spine. We have also increased the intensity of the workouts and included a wider range of concepts. You should be familiar with using all equipment, including free weights and cables and have a basic understanding of movement patterns such as squats, lunges and deadlifts.
Our recommended frequency of sessions will be slightly higher than the beginner level. If you want to decrease (or even increase) the frequency, then of course that’s possible, just remember to keep the order of your workouts as specified and always give yourself a rest day once every 6 days.
For those of you with a good deal of exercise experience and the desire to be challenged, then this level is for you. It requires good technique and a high level of fitness. You need to be familiar with all equipment and have a good understanding of movement patterns such as squats, lunges and deadlifts.
The intensity and our recommended frequency of sessions will be higher than any other level. If you want to decrease (or even increase) the frequency, then of course that’s possible, just remember to keep the order of your workouts as specified and always give yourself a rest day once every 6 days.