Beef Bourguignon with Quinoa


Calories Protein Fat Carb
609 33g 36g 26g


In a large frying pan lightly sauté the sirloin steak (keep it pink) and then place to one side. Steam the carrots. In the same pan you used for the steak, sauté the onions with some thyme. Add the red wine and simmer to reduce. Add beef stock and tomato puree. Again, simmer to reduce. Add chopped courgettes to the pan of steaming carrots for the last 4 minutes. In a separate pan cook your quinoa. Add the steak back into the pan and mix well. Serve with the quinoa and steamed vegetables.


  • Serves 2

  • 300g Sirloin steak, sliced into strips

  • 150g Chantenay carrots

  • 1 x Onion, diced

  • 1 tbsp Fresh thyme, finely chopped

  • 150ml Red wine

  • 150ml Beef stock

  • 1 tbsp Tomato puree

  • 1 x Courgette, chopped to a similar size as the carrots

  • 100g Quinoa

Photo 04-09-2018, 20 22 10.jpg

These tables let you know if this recipe is suitable for your body-type and goal (Fat loss / Sculpt / Muscle gain). They show whether it’s a recipe you can enjoy before or after 5pm as part of your plan and if you need to adapt it slightly by adding or removing carbohydrate.


Meals before 5pm Meals after 5pm
Ectomorph Yes Yes
Ecto-Mesomorph Yes Yes
Mesomorph Yes Remove carb
Meso-Endomorph Yes Remove carb
Endomorph Yes Remove carb


Meals before 5pm Meals after 5pm
Ectomorph Yes Yes
Ecto-Mesomorph Yes Yes
Mesomorph Yes Yes
Meso-Endomorph Yes Yes
Endomorph Yes Yes