You are an Endomorph on a fat loss programme. Fortunately your body-type can maintain muscle due to having a high percentage of fast twitch muscle fibre. This muscle mass keeps your metabolism firing, which will in turn help you to lose fat. The more muscle you have, the more fat you burn.

Generally Endomorphs have a slower metabolism, which makes it harder to lose fat. Therefore the majority of your exercise plan consists of cardio training rather than resistance. Your cardio will be in the form of high intensity interval training to help increase mitochondria (where fuel is burnt producing energy). The more mitochondria you have, the more fat you burn. High intensity training will also have the effect of increasing your metabolism, which results in burning more calories over the next 24-36 hours. This is why it is important to keep up the frequency of your training sessions, so try not to have more than one consecutive day off.

The type of movement you will be performing on a fat loss programme will consist of compound exercises. These are big movements which use lots of muscles at once therefore burning more calories, speeding up your metabolism and creating the correct hormonal response (boosting growth hormone and testosterone) We also keep the tempo and intensity of your workout higher and the rest periods shorter than any other goal, for the same reasons as previously mentioned. As an Endomorph you will be working at a higher rep range than any other body-type, you will have less rest periods and your cardio workouts will be longer in duration.

At YBP we have researched and created the perfect ratio of resistance and cardio workouts for your body-type on a fat loss goal. We have specified how often to perform these workouts to get the best results. Every month the training concept will change (the concept is the way in which you perform your workouts). Within your concept we have tailored and specified the exact sets, rep ranges, duration, tempo, rest and intensity.



Below is our recommended order and number of workouts. Try to stick as close to this as possible. Always keep the order of the workouts the same even if you have to take days off. Ideally do not have more than one day off in a row.


Cardio Cardio Day 15 Cardio
Day 2 Workout One Day 16 Cardio
Day 3 Cardio Day 17 Workout Two
Day 4 Cardio Day 18 Cardio
Day 5 Workout Two Day 19 Workout One
Day 6 Cardio Day 20 Cardio
Day 7 Rest Day 21 Rest
Day 8 Workout One Day 22 Cardio
Day 9 Cardio Day 23 Workout Two
Day 10 Cardio Day 24 Cardio
Day 11 Workout Two Day 25 Workout One
Day 12 Cardio Day 26 Cardio
Day 13 Workout One Day 27 Cardio
Day 14 Rest Day 28 Rest


The warm-up is to mobilise and prime your body, it should be specific to the exercise you are about to perform. We recommend 5 mins of gentle cardio to increase body temperature and blood flow to the muscles. Follow this with movements that mimic your exercises but at a slower pace with reduced intensity.
Try our basic warm-up or advanced version with a medicine ball.


This concept consists of 4 sets of 3 exercises. In each set the first 2 exercises are heavy power exercises (perform 12 reps of each). The third is a aerobic exercise performed for a length of time rather than a number of reps. Perform 3 rounds and the length of time for the aerobic exercise drops from 1 minute in the first round, to 45 seconds in the second round, to 30 seconds in the final round. The rounds are performed back to back with no rest inbetween. Once you have completed 3 rounds take a 3 minute rest and then progress to the next set. Remember to keep weights heavy and challenging to elicit the correct hormonal response.


Exercises in each set 3
Reps for power exercise 12
Time for aerobic exercise 1 min / 45 sec / 30 sec
Rounds 3
Sets 4
Rest between sets 3 min


Before commencing your workout click here for technique advice on some of the big exercises.

Round One

SQUAT — Dumbbells

Stand feet shoulder width apart and hold dumbbells to your shoulders. Bend the knees into a deep squat, push the bottom backwards and maintain neutral spine. Press the heels into the floor as you extend the legs. Make sure your knees track inline with your toes.


CHEST PRESS — Swiss Ball / Dumbbells

Support your head and shoulders on a swiss ball and raise your hips. Hold dumbbells above you with your arms fully extended. Inhale as you bend the arms bringing the hands towards the shoulders with your elbows flared to the side and exhale as you extend.



Begin crouched down then rock the body forward, push through your feet and take your weight onto your hands into a half handstand. Kick out with your feet, extend the legs then return to the starting position.


Round Two

ROW — Dumbbells

Stand feet hip width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Hinge at the hips with slight knee flexion and bring the torso forwards maintaining neutral spine. Pull with the arms into a row position, elbow flared to the side. Extend the arms.


PLANK — Bosu

Place your weight onto your forearms, feet onto a bosu (dome side up) and raise the body. Engage your core and create a straight line from head to feet. Alternately push up onto your hands and lower back onto your forearms. As you push up the hands should replace to position of the elbows.



Stand with your feet hip width apart. Jump as high as possible and tuck your knees to your chest. As you land, place your hands on the floor and jump your legs back into a plank position with your body extended. Jump your feet back towards your hands and begin again. Keep the movement as fluid as possible.


Round Three

PULLOVER — Swiss Ball / Dumbbell

Support your head and shoulders on a swiss ball, raise your hips and hold a dumbbell above you in both hands. With slight elbow flexion, lower the weight behind you on the inhale. Keep the arms lengthened and bring the weight back over the body as you exhale. Maintain neutral spine.


OBLIQUE CRUNCH – Swiss Ball / Dumbbell

Lie with your back over a swiss ball and hold a weight to your chest. Draw your navel to spine as you curl up and rotate. Lower under control then curl and rotate to the same side. The further back over the ball the harder the exercise.



Spring laterally from foot to foot, traveling as far as possible. As you land, take the free leg behind you and touch the touch the floor with the opposite hand the supporting leg. The movement should be continuous and fast pace.


Round Four


Stand, feet hip width apart and dumbbells held in both hands. Place your weight into your heels, hinge forward from the hip with slight knee flexion and lower the weights towards the floor. Only go to the point where you can maintain neutral spine, do not round the lower back. Engage the glutes and straighten the legs as you stand upright.



Begin in a press-up position, hands just wider than shoulder width and arms extended. As you perform the press-up, push away forcefully and use the momentum to clap your hands together in between each repetition.



Begin with 1 foot forward in a lunge position, lean the body over the front leg and touch the floor with the opposite hand. Push through both feet and jump laterally changing legs and touch the floor with the other hand. Keep the movement continuous.



Perform this workout with the same exercise concept as workout one.

Round One


Lie on your back with 1 foot on a swiss ball (leg extended) and the other raised above you. Lift your hips and place your arms by your side for support. Bend the knee as you roll the ball towards you, do not allow the hips to lower. Extend the leg.



Begin in a press-up position, feet raised on a box, hands just wider than shoulder width and arms extended. Engage your core and keep your body straight. Bend the arms, elbows flared to the side slightly and lower yourself until your chest is just off the floor. Extend the arms.



Spring from foot to foot on the spot. Bring the knee up as high as possible. Use the arms in a running action. Keep the tempo fast.


Round Two

DEADLIFT — Dumbbells

Stand feet shoulder width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Hinge at the hips, bend the knees and lower the dumbbell towards the floor. Do not let the lower back round, maintain neutral spine. Engage your glutes, push the feet into the ground and you straighten your legs.



Lie on the floor with the arms extended overhead. Raise the upper and lower body reaching the hands towards the toes. Keep the back neutral, the chest lifted and the legs as straight as possible. Lower under control.



Begin with your hands placed shoulder width apart and your weight pushed back over your feet with the knees bend. Move your weight forwards over the hands maintaining slight knee flexion, perform a tricep press-up and push back onto your feet with the arms extended.


Round Three


Take a shoulder width stance and hold a dumbbell in 1 hand with the arm extended to the floor in front of you. Bend the knees and hinge from the hips with a neutral spine. Lift the dumbbell by extending the legs and as the dumbbell passes the knees extend at the ankles, knees, and hips forcefully, similar to a jumping motion. Use the momentum to lift the dumbbell as high as possible in a straight line close to the body with the elbow out. At the height of this movement your feet should clear the floor. Bring the dumbbell to the shoulder and press overhead. Lower under control.


CHEST PRESS — Swiss Ball / Dumbbells

Support your upper back on a swiss ball and lower your hips towards the floor. Hold dumbbells above you with your arms fully extended. Inhale as you bend your arms bringing the hands towards the shoulders with your elbows flared to the side and exhale as you extend.



Stand up straight. Engage your core. Bend your arms at a 45 degrees angle, with elbows close to your sides and hands pointed outward. Keep your arms relaxed and a loose grip on the handles. Turn the rope with your wrists, not the entire arm. Bend your knees slightly with your weight on the balls of your feet. Your heels should never touch the ground. Alternate feet, so you are running in place as you spring over the rope.


Round Four

ROW – Band

Stand in a slight squat position with your shoulders retracted, arms extended and hold the band at chest height. Pull the band towards you with your elbows slightly raised. Draw your shoulder blades down and together then extend the arms.



Stand feet shoulder width apart and hold a dumbbell in one hand. Laterally flex the body, lowering the dumbbell towards the floor, then pull over to the opposite side keeping your core engaged and shoulders retracted.


LUNGE — Dumbbells

Stand with 1 foot forward and the other foot back behind you with the heel raised. Hold dumbbells to the shoulders. Lower into a lunge position until the back knee is just off the floor and both knees are at right angles. Then jump and switch legs landing in a lunge, continue.



The cardio workout is split into 3 sections: Intervals, lactic acid removal phase, followed by a repeat of the intervals. You can use any piece of cardio equipment such as the cross trainer, treadmill, rower, bike or skipping rope. You can also combine equipment rather than performing the entire workout on one machine. If you are training at home, take a look at the video and choose a combination of cardio exercises to perform.

Intervals (pre LAR phase) – perform the required number of intervals. The sprint phase should be performed at 100%, the highest intensity possible and the rest phase should be performed at a low intensity to recover. For example on a cross-trainer increase the speed for the sprint phase then bring it back down on the rest phase, allowing you to recover.

Lactic acid removal phase – work at a consistent pace, but to the maximum intensity possible (you should not be able to hold a conversation) yet able to sustain it for the required length of time. The time is stated in minutes below the first table.

Intervals (post LAR phase) – perform the intervals again with the same format as the first section.




Number of Intervals Sprints Rest
20 20 sec 20 sec
Lactic Acid Removal Phase - 14 minutes
20 20 sec 20 sec
Total Workout Time - 40 minutes




This video shows examples of cardio exercises to use when performing the sprint phase of your interval training. Choose one thats suits your level.



This is the recovery phase. Choose from marching on the spot, an easy jog or a combination of the two. 



Hold each position for 1 minute and increase the length of time on particularly tight muscles.


Lie on your back with your arms stretched out wide, take one knee across your body and apply gentle pressure drawing the knee towards the floor. 


Lie on your back and place your foot onto the opposite knee. Press the top knee outwards as you clasp the underneath leg and draw it towards you. 


Sit back onto your heels and simultaneously reach your hands forward with your forehead resting on the floor.


Lie prone (on your front) and place your hands beneath your shoulders. Press into the floor, straighten your arms and raise your body. 


In a half kneeling position tuck your pelvis under, squeeze your glutes and press your hips forward. 


Draw your foot towards your bottom. Squeeze your glutes, tuck your pelvis under and keep your knees together. 


Raise your foot onto a surface and lean your body forward. Flex the foot bringing the toe towards you.


Lean into a wall, extend the back knee and press the heel into the floor. Ensure both feet are in a parallel position. 


Place one foot behind the other and reach the same arm (as back leg) overhead. To increase the stretch lean laterally.


Place your hands together and reach forward. Drop your head between your arms and curve your upper back.


Place your forearm onto a wall, creating right angles at the shoulder and elbow joints. Apply pressure into the wall and turn your torso away. 


Take one arm overhead and bend at the elbow. Apply pressure with the opposite hand and keep the head raised. 


Use this section to replace specific exercises in your programme which do not work for you. This may be due to not having the correct equipment, the exercise being too challenging / not challenging enough, or possibly due to an injury. Click on the links below to find alternative exercises for the same body part or movement. 




You are a Meso-endomorph on a fat loss programme. Losing fat is fairly hard for your body-type although building and maintaining muscle is relatively easy. The fact that you hold onto muscle is a good thing as it helps to increase your metabolism, which equates to a higher percentage of fat loss during rest. We have reduced your calories and carbs more than some of the other body-types (who are more carbohydrate tolerant) yet to help maintain your muscle it is essential not to cut calories or carbohydrates too drastically as this will have the affect of breaking down muscle, which will in turn slow down metabolism. When your metabolism slows it makes losing fat harder. Therefore one of our goals is to burn fat by increasing muscle mass, which speeds up metabolism.

As a Meso-endomorph you have a fairly slow metabolism. This means you burn your fuel at a slow rate, making fat loss a little harder than some of the other body-types. Therefore it is important to eat the correct amount of meals per day to balance your blood sugar and keep insulin levels low to maximise fat burning. 

All body-types have a finite macronutrient storage capacity, therefore be careful not to over consume at one sitting, as this will lead to fat storage. Your body-type cannot handle carbohydrate very well, therefore on a fat loss programme the correct amount and type of carbs at the right time of day (in relation to your training) will help you lose fat. The hard work is done for you. At YPB we have given you what we believe to be the correct amount of macronutrients for your body-type on a fat loss programme also taking into account your daily activity. This will ensure that you lose fat, maintain muscle and prevent your metabolism slowing. The goal is to ensure your body’s circulating insulin is in the correct range to maximise fat breakdown during your day, as fat can’t be broken down in the presence of insulin which rises after eating, especially carbohydrate.

Cutting calories beyond our recommended estimate will not only have the negative affect of muscle breakdown but also signal to your body to hold onto its fat stores. This is your body’s safety mechanism, as in times of famine those fat stores are needed to survive. When your body is in famine mode it will take protein from your muscle and convert it into energy, which we are trying hard to avoid. This is why the leaner you become, the harder it is to lose fat.

There are 3 nutrient timing phases. The first phase is the energy phase, where you fuel your body before and during the training session. The second phase is the anabolic (building) phase, this is the hour immediately after training which is the optimal time to replenish the body’s energy stores, hence consuming a post workout shake. Due to the slow metabolism of your Meso-endomorphic body-type we want to maintain as much muscle as possible to boost metabolism. Therefore it is essential to get the correct nutrients in this window. Miss it and you will have wasted the opportunity to make the most of the hard work you did during your training session. We recommend consuming your shake within the first 30 minutes post training. The third and final phase is the growth, repair and recovery phase. This is the 24 hours post training and it is in this phase that the majority of strength, muscle gain and adaptations occur. The carbs consumed in this phase, including breakfast, should be low GL (glycemic load). This will keep your stored carbohydrate (glycogen) levels replenished, preventing muscle breakdown.



Click here
and your details to calculate your daily calorie estimate and macronutrient breakdown.


  • We strongly recommend you use MyFitnessPal to track your nutrition targets.

  • Keep as close to your daily calorie and macronutrient breakdown as you can.

  • Ensure you eat breakfast.

  • Drink 200-300ml of water upon waking.

  • Ideally eat 2-3 hours before training.

  • Try to avoid fat 90 minutes before and after training.

  • After training consume a post workout shake. These can be bought from any health shop. For your body type and goal we recommend a shake containing around 35g of carbohydrate and 15g of protein. Aim to consume the shake 20-30 minutes post exercise.

  • Eat a meal 30 minutes - 1 hour after the post workout shake

  • Spread your meals throughout the day. (Ideally 4 meals). Your post exercise shake is classed as a meal.

  • Eat lean meats, healthy fats and low GL carbohydrates.

  • Eat only 1-3 pieces of fruit per day due to the sugar content.

  • Aim to eat a minimum of 6 vegetable a day. This will help to get the fibre you need.

  • Vary the type and colour of fruit and veg you eat.

  • Aim to eat 2.5 - 3.5 hours before sleep.

  • On a non-training day reduce your carbohydrate intake by 10%. This will reduce your total calorie intake.

  • Sticking to the above points may be difficult, remember these are just guidelines. Do the best you can.


Quick look macro tables

Easy to use tables to help you get the right amount of protein and carbohydrate into your meal plan. What does 10g of protein actually look like....

Amount of protein Food
Handful of chickpeas
20 almonds
1 small egg
Serving of peanut butter (for 2 small slices of toast)
Handful of pumpkin seeds (20g)
1 slice of proscuitto
2 large handfuls of endemame beans (50g)
Handful of cashew nuts (25g)
2 small eggs
1 cup of soya milk
1/4 cup of pumpkin seeds (big handful)
Serving of Greek yoghurt (100g)
Serving of quinoa (60g)
Serving of tofu (1/4 pack)
1/2 Buffalo mozarella ball (62g)
Small portion of squid rings (100g)
Half a ready to eat pouch of puy lentils (125g)
3 medium eggs
2-3 slices of smoked salmon (60g)
2-3 rashers of bacon
Small handful of beef biltong (25g)
Small seabass fillet (90g)
Small lobster tail (100g)
Portion of smoked mackerel (75g)
Half a pot of cottage cheese (165g)
Single hamburger patty (110g)
Skinless cod fillet (120g)
Skinless haddock fillet (120g)
Serving of monkfish (150g)
Single venison burger
Single beef steak (120g)
4 large eggs
Tuna steak (120g)
2 skinless chicken thighs (120g)
Single pork loin steak (130g)
Skinless salmon fillet (110g)
Tin of tuna (120g)
6 slices of roast turkey breast (120g)
Small venison steak (140g)
Half a pack of venison mince (150g)
Average skinless chicken breast (170g)
Packet of prawns (150g of raw prawns)
Half pack of lean mince beef (200g)
Sirloin steak (230g)
Half a pack of turkey mince (150g)
Portion of diced turkey breast (150g)
Amount of carbohydrate Food
Small bowl of strawberries or raspberries (100g)
Portion of blueberries (75g)
1 large carrot
15 cherry tomatoes
Serving of mange tout (150g)
Small slice of pumpernickel & rye bread
Slice of rye bread
Single aubergine (250g)
Medium pear
4 Nairn oat cakes
Slice of wholemeal seeded bloomer
Glass of Alpro oat milk (250ml)
Portion of brown rice (75g)
Portion of bulgarwheat (65g)
Small banana
Medium apple
Serving of wild rice (85g)
Glass of Alpro soya chocolate milk (250ml)
Slice of Biona millet bread (50g)
Serving of granola (50g)
Slice of white sourdough bread
Large banana
Slice of spelt sourdough
Single ciabatta roll
Sweet potato jacket
Half a pack of fresh egg noodles (150g)
Serving of buckwheat soba noodles (50g)
Serving of porridge oats (50g)
Large wholemeal bread roll
Serving of Straight to Wok Udon noodles
Serving of giant wholewheat couscous (50g)
Half pack of fresh rice noodles (150g)
Medium jacket potato (200g)
Serving of wholewheat spaghetti (75g)
Serving of spinach pasta (75g)
Serving of spelt pasta (75g)


Nutritional data tables

Food per 100g Cals Protein (g) Carb (g) / GL Fat (g) Fibre (g)
Vegetables Section A
Asparagus 20 2 4 / L 0 2
Beetroot 43 2 10 / L 0 3
Capsican Pepper Green 20 1 5 / L 0 2
Capsican Pepper Red 31 1 6 / L 0 2
Capsican Pepper Yellow 27 1 6 / L 0 1
Broccoli 34 3 7 / L 0 3
Brussel Sprouts 43 3 9 / L 0 4
Cabbage, Savoy 27 2 6 / L 0 3
Carrots 41 1 10 / L 0 3
Cauliflower 25 2 5 / L 0 3
Celery 16 1 3 / L 0 2
Aubergine 24 1 6 / L 0 3
Fennel 31 1 7 / L 0 3
Garlic 149 6 33 / L 0 2
Green Beans 31 2 7 / L 0 3
Kale 50 3 10 / L 0 2
Leeks 61 1 14 / L 0 2
Lettuce, Iceberg 14 1 3 / L 0 1
Mushrooms, White 22 3 1 / L 0 1
Onions 40 1 9 / L 0 2
Spinach 23 3 4 / L 0 2
Sugar Snap Peas 42 3 8 / L 0 3
Swiss Chard 19 2 4 / L 0 2
Turnips, Boiled 22 1 5 / L 0 2
Vegetables Section B Cals Protein (g) Carb (g) / GL Fat (g) Fibre (g)
Butternut Squash, baked 40 1 10 / L 0 0
Olives, Green 145 1 4 / L 15 3
Peas 81 5 14 / L 0 5
Potato, baked with skin 93 3 21 / M 0 2
Sweet Potato, baked with skin 90 2 21 / H 0 3
Yams 118 2 28 / M 0 4
Fruits (Raw) Section A Cals Protein (g) Carb (g) / GL Fat (g) Fibre (g)
Apples 52 0 14 / L 0 2
Blackberries 43 1 10 / L 0 5
Blueberries 57 1 14 / L 0 2
Clementines 47 1 12 / L 0 2
Cranberries 46 0 12 / L 0 5
Grapefruit 42 1 11 / L 0 2
Gooseberries 44 1 10 / L 1 4
Lemons 29 1 9 / L 0 3
Limes 30 1 11 / L 0 3
Melon, Honeydew 36 1 9 / L 0 1
Melon, Watermelon 30 1 8 / L 0 0
Nectarines 44 1 11 / L 0 2
Oranges 47 1 12 / L 0 2
Peaches 39 1 10 / L 0 1
Pears 58 0 15 / L 0 3
Plums 46 1 11 / L 0 1
Raspberries 52 1 12 / L 0 6
Strawberries 32 1 8 / L 0 2
Tomatoes 18 1 4 / L 0 1
Fruits (Raw) Section B Cals Protein (g) Carb (g) / GL Fat (g) Fibre (g)
Apricots 48 1 11 / M 0 2
Avocado 160 2 9 / L 15 7
Bananas 89 1 23 / H 0 3
Cherries 63 1 16 / L 0 2
Figs 74 1 19 / L 0 3
Grapes 69 1 18 / L 0 1
Kiwi 61 1 15 / L 0 3
Mangoes 65 1 17 / L 0 2
Melon, Cantaloupe 34 1 9 / H 0 1
Papaya 39 1 10 / L 0 2
Pineapple 50 1 13 / L 0 1
Seafood Cals Protein (g) Carb (g) / GL Fat (g) Fibre (g)
Clams, steamed 148 26 5 / L 2 0
Cod, oven cooked 105 23 0 / L 1 0
Halibut, oven cooked 140 27 0 / L 3 0
Mackerel, oven cooked 134 26 0 / L 3 0
Monkfish, oven cooked 97 19 0 / L 2 0
Mussels, steamed 172 24 7 / L 4 0
Prawns, cooked 77 18 1 / L 1 0
Salmon, oven cooked 206 22 0 / L 12 0
Scallops, steamed 112 23 0 / 1 0
Sea Bass, oven cooked 124 24 0 / L 3 0
Shrimp, steamed 99 21 0 / L 1 0
Tuna, oven cooked 139 30 0 / L 1 0
Tuna, tinned 128 24 0 / L 3 0
Eggs and Dairy Cals Protein (g) Carb (g) / GL Fat (g) Fibre (g)
Eggs, fried 196 14 1 / L 15 0
Eggs, poached 142 13 1 / L 10 0
Eggs, scrambled 167 11 2 / L 12 0
Eggs, whole hard boiled 155 13 1 / L 11 0
Camembert 300 20 0 / L 24 0
Cheddar Cheese 403 25 1 / L 33 0
Cheshire Cheese 387 23 5 / L 31 0
Cottage Cheese 98 11 3 / L 4 0
Cows Milk, 3.25% fat 60 3 5 / L 3 0
Edam Cheese 357 25 1 / L 28 0
Feta Cheese 264 14 4 / L 21 0
Goats Cheese, Hard 452 31 2 / L 36 0
Goats Cheese, Soft 268 19 1 / L 21 0
Goats Milk 69 4 4 / L 4 0
Gouda 356 25 2 / L 27 0
Gruyere 413 30 0 / L 32 0
Mozarella 300 22 2 / L 22 0
Parmesan 392 36 3 / L 26 0
Ricotta 174 11 3 / L 13 0
Roquefort 369 22 2 / L 31 0
Yoghurt, plain whole milk 61 3 5 / L 3 0
Beans and Legumes Cals Protein (g) Carb (g) / GL Fat (g) Fibre (g)
Black Beans, cooked 132 9 24 / L 1 9
Chickpeas, cooked 164 9 27 / L 3 8
Haricot Beans, cooked 140 8 26 / L 1 11
Kidney Beans, cooked 127 9 23 / L 0 7
Lentils, cooked 116 9 20 / L 0 8
Lima Beans, cooked 115 8 21 / L 0 7
Miso 199 12 26 / M 6 5
Pinto Beans, cooked 143 9 26 / L 1 9
Tempeh 193 19 9 / L 11 0
Tofu 76 8 2 / L 5 0
Poultry and Meat Cals Protein (g) Carb (g) / GL Fat (g) Fibre (g)
Beef fillet, pan fried 179 28 0 / L 7 0
Beef Sirloin, 0% fat, pan-fried 188 30 0 / L 7 0
Beef Mince, 5% fat, cooked 137 21 0 / L 5 0
Chicken Breast, oven cooked 165 31 0 / L 4 0
Chicken Breast, pan/stir fried 187 33 1 / L 5 0
Chicken Legs without skin, oven cooked 191 27 0 / L 8 0
Chicken Thighs without skin, oven cooked 209 26 0 / L 11 0
Duck Breast without skin, oven cooked 201 23 0 / L 11 11
Duck Breast without skin, pan/stir fried 140 28 0 / L 3 3
Lamb Mince, cooked 283 25 0 / L 20 0
Pork Mince, cooked 297 26 0 / L 21 0
Pork Loin, cooked 131 25 0 / L 4 0
Turkey Breast without Skin, oven cooked 135 30 0 / L 1 0
Turkey Legs without Skin, oven cooked 159 29 0 / L 4 0
Turkey Mince, cooked 235 27 0 / L 13 0
Venison Steak, cooked 152 31 0 / L 2 0
Nuts and Seeds Cals Protein (g) Carb (g) / GL Fat (g) Fibre (g)
Almonds 575 21 22 / L 49 12
Brazils 656 14 12 / L 66 8
Cashews 553 18 33 / M 44 3
Chia seeds 490 16 44 / L 31 38
Coconut, fresh 354 3 15 / L 33 9
Flaxseeds 534 18 29 / L 42 27
Peanuts, plain 567 26 16 / L 49 8
Pine nuts 673 14 13 / L 68 4
Pistachio, plain 557 21 28 / L 44 10
Pumpkin Seeds 541 25 18 / L 46 4
Sesame Seeds 573 18 23 / L 50 12
Sunflower Seeds 584 21 20 / L 51 9
Walnuts 654 15 14 / L 65 7
Hazelnuts 628 15 17 / L 61 10
Chestnuts, roasted 245 3 53 / H 2 5
Pecans 691 9 14 / L 72 10
Dried Fruits Cals Protein (g) Carb (g) / GL Fat (g) Fibre (g)
Apricots 241 3 63 / H 1 7
Cranberries, sweetened 308 0 82 / H 1 6
Prunes 240 2 64 / H 0 7
Raisins, seedless 299 3 79 / H 0 4
Grains Cals Protein (g) Carb (g) / GL Fat (g) Fibre (g)
Barley, Pearled 352 10 78 / H 1 16
Bread, Pitta Wholewheat 266 10 55 / H 3 7
Bread, Rye 258 8 48 / H 3 6
Bread, Wheat 266 11 48 / H 4 4
Bread, Wholewheat Commercial 247 13 41 / M 3 7
Buckwheat 343 13 71 / H 1 10
Millet, cooked 119 4 24 / M 1 1
Oats 389 17 66 / H 7 11
Quinoa, cooked 120 4 21 / L 2 3
Rice, Brown Long Grain, cooked 111 3 23 / M 1 2
Rice, White Long Grain, cooked 130 3 28 / M 0 0
Rice Noodles, cooked 109 1 25 / M 0 1
Rice, Wild, cooked 101 4 21 / L 0 2
Rye 335 15 70 / H 3 15
Spelt, cooked 127 5 26 / M 1 4
Natural Sweeteners Cals Protein (g) Carb (g) / GL Fat (g) Fibre (g)
Honey 304 0 82 / H 0 0
Maple Syrup 261 0 67 / H 0 0
Molasses 290 0 75/H 0 0
Oil Cals Protein (g) Carb (g) / GL Fat (g) Fibre (g)
Coconut Oil 862 0 0 / L 100 0
Olive Oil 884 0 0 / L 100 0
Rapeseed Oil 884 0 0 / L 100 0
Walnut Oil 884 0 0 / L 100 0


Nutritional data table – Foods to avoid

Food Why
Highly Processed Foods Typically these foods are low in nutrients and high in artificial chemicals and preservatives, which are potentially damaging to the body. These include ready made meals, breakfast cereals, tinned produce, white bread, refined grains, cheese, fast food, crisps, fizzy drinks, bacon and ham.
Added Sugar or High Fructose Corn Syrup These have a negative effect on your hormones. High sugar consumption is linked to diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and even cancer.
Trans Fats (also known as hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats) These are unsaturated fats that have been chemically changed to increase shelf life and make them solid at room temperature. They increase levels of small dense LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) and lower HDL cholesterol (the good kind). They also increase abdominal fat, which can lead to various health problems.
Seed and Vegetable Oils They contain a lot of omega 6 fatty acids, but these need to be in the correct ratio with omega 3 for optimal use by the body. If not in balance it can lead to inflammation in the body.
Artificial Sweeteners These can increase your appetite as your body is expecting a large hit of carbohydrate that doesn’t arrive. They have been linked with obesity, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. Sweeteners are also many times sweeter than table sugar and therefore can perpetuate sweet cravings.
Low Fat or Diet Foods Often these products are high in wheat, high in sugar and highly processed, so you may be better to choose the full fat version.
Grains Be aware to eat the right type of grains at the right time of day for your particular body-type and goal (this will differ for each person and is expained in your nutrient timing section). If you feel uncomfortable after eating them, it may be worth considering having an intolerance test.


Check out our recipe page for lots of healthy tasty meals. 

Beneath every recipe there is a chart to advice you whether it's a good meal for an Endomorph on a fat loss goal, and if so then what time of day to eat it and whether to remove/add carbohydrate. Also remember to watch the video at the top of the recipe page for an explanation on how to use the chart.

Meat and poultry
Fish and seafood



For those of you who are interested in understanding the science behind our methods then this is the section for you. You will find information on :

  • Nutrient timing

  • Nutrient timing phase one – Energy phase

  • Nutrient timing phase two – Anabolic building phase

  • Nutrient timing phase three – Growth repair and recovery

  • Safe fat loss

  • Carbohydrate

  • Protein

  • Fat

Here at YBP we seek to educate, by giving you the facts and allowing you to make your own informed choices and decisions on how to be the best and healthiest you can be!

With all the contradicting information in the media plus the latest gimmicks and concepts it’s easy to lose track of what to do and tempting to follow the latest health or exercise trend. Believe us, they are usually trends for a reason, they don’t actually work in the long term. We advocate a good healthy balanced approach to achieving your goal, tailor made for you.

We have done the research and the hard work for you, as there are many completely opposing studies with much of the research being very generic and not taking into account: body type, age, gender, height, weight, ethnicity, lifestyle, hormone balances, allergies or intolerances. All of which affect how an individual responds to exercise and nutrition. One size does not fit all and at YBP we treat you as an individual giving you a bespoke exercise and nutrition programme based on the above factors, plus the goal you have chosen.

Factors such as what and when we eat, what style of training we perform, how hard we train, how long we sleep and how we deal with stress, all differ from person to person. Most importantly these factors affect us all in very different ways. For example some people will need to eat a high carbohydrate diet to help achieve their goal, while for others a low carbohydrate diet would be more appropriate. In terms of exercise, some people’s training regime should consist predominately of cardio exercise, while others would benefit more from resistance training. Therefore it is essential to understand your body and how it responds to exercise and nutrition. Ultimately the message we hope to convey is to be proud of your body-type. We all have a natural genetic shape, and with work these shapes can all look great!

The body goes through different metabolic phases during the day, but we believe it’s important to begin the day correctly by drinking 200-300ml of water upon waking. This will help to hydrate you after a night's sleep and also aid digestion. Not drinking enough water can cause bloating as the body will hold onto whatever water it has stored in the muscles in an effort to maintain necessary hydration for metabolism and other bodily functions. This can give a bloated appearance. Women tend to be more vulnerable due to the higher fluctuations of hormonal levels, especially during menstruation (see your hydration section on your profile page for more information).    


Nutrient Timing
Whatever your goal, nutrient timing can be the difference between success and failure. It’s often the most overlooked aspect of many training regimes, when it could be argued it should be the most important.

When you eat and what you eat will affect your body in lots of ways, from manipulating hormones, replenishing macronutrient stores (carbs, fat, protein), preventing muscle loss, reducing muscle damage or boosting your immune system to help you get the best and quickest results. What, when and how much you eat varies a great deal depending on your goal, gender, weight, height and body type. Nutrient timing is not exclusive to the hours around your training session, but from the hour before training and the hours after and up until your next training session. At different times during the day your body requires, and is more receptive to certain nutrients than at other times. If you eat the wrong food at the right time, or the right food at the wrong time then you will miss the opportunity to maximize your results.

Nutrient Timing Phase One
There are 3 nutrient timing phases. The first is the energy phase where you fuel your body before and during the training session. When you exercise your body will release stored sugar (glycogen) and cleave amino acids from muscle. Even if you are training early it’s important to try to eat something light before exercise. (Link: list of snacks). It has been shown that training while in a fasted state increases cortisol levels, which suppresses the immune system and breaks down muscle tissue. Eating something small and easily digestible will reduce cortisol levels and give you energy to train harder, yielding better results. A simple rule is that it should be soft to touch, as this means your digestive system can break it down comfortably preventing indigestion. Avoid fatty foods as they are slow to digest and can make you feel sluggish and cause cramping. Avoid carbohydrates with a high GL (glycemic load) prior to training as these will give you a sugar rush, and inevitably an energy crash in the middle of a workout. Lastly don’t eat too big a meal pre training as it may cause nausea or vomiting. (link: Eating Before Training). Research has shown that consuming carbohydrates with protein prior to training, helps spare muscle glycogen, reduce the catabolic (cutting) effects that cortisol has on muscle, decreases muscle damage, and helps ready muscles for a quicker recovery post exercise. During your training session we advise taking BCAA (Branch Chain Amino Acids) with 300-350 ml of water to be used for energy rather than breaking down muscle. (link: BCAA). BCAAs increase nutrient availability for working muscles, limit immune suppression, help reduce glycogen loss and the inevitable resulting muscle breakdown.

When training your cortisol level will rise and the longer and/or harder you train the higher it will rise. Amongst its many impacts on the body, cortisol’s main role is to generate fuel to working muscles. It does this by breaking down stored carbohydrate, fat and protein. Usually the body uses these fuels in this order to produce the energy needed to workout (link: Energy currency and energy systems). However, when you place your body under stress, as you do during high intensity training, the release of cortisol causes the priority of the macronutrient breakdown to change from carbohydrate, fat then protein into carbohydrate, protein and lastly fat. This causes an increase in plasma amino acids, specifically glutamine and branched chain amino acids. These amino acids have been obtained from muscle to provide extra fuel for the body, as high intensity activities deplete carbohydrate stores, and fat cannot be broken down fast enough at high intensities. So we know that the harder and/or longer we train, the higher the cortisol level and, subsequently, the more muscle is broken down. Therefore the correct nutrient timing is critical to prevent this. The foremost reason for cortisol increase after high intensity exercise is hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), so consuming the correct nutrients, depending on your goal and body type, before, during and after training will help reduce cortisol, and its more negative effects.

Nutrient Timing Phase Two
The next phase is called the anabolic (building) phase, which is the 15 minutes directly after training. In this phase we recommend that you consume high GL carbohydrates, protein, vitamin C and glutamine. It is essential to get the correct nutrients in this window. Miss it and you will have wasted the opportunity to make the most of the hard work you did during your training session. This phase initiates repair to damaged muscle and replenishes muscle glycogen stores. Muscle damage is essential for your body to adapt and change, but we need the correct nutrition in place to help speed up the recovery, ready for the next session. (link: Muscle Damage)

In this post exercise period muscle cells become particularly sensitive to the hormone insulin, and this is when you need to shift your body from a catabolic (breaking down) state to an anabolic (building) one. Insulin is a hormone that has a bad name due to its link with fat storage. It is true that too many of the wrong type of carbohydrates at the wrong time will increase insulin and cause fat storage, but used correctly insulin is essential for maximising results during this window. Insulin is very sensitive to carbohydrate post exercise. It is crucial to take advantage of this sensitivity, as within an hour of exercise the benefits will drop by 50 percent. Post training your body will be in a catabolic state and this time of heightened insulin sensitivity the correct type and amount of carbohydrate will replenish glycogen stores rather than increase fat storage. This quick uptake of carbohydrate and essential amino acids will also initiate protein synthesis, muscle repair and help bring down cortisol levels. The rise in insulin will increase blood flow to the muscles, aiding the removal of carbon dioxide, lactic acid, and helps to bring oxygen and essential nutrients to the muscle. It may seem a little confusing at this point. How can high insulin cause fat storage and replenish glycogen stores? When you are sedentary your fat cells are more sensitive to the effects of insulin, meaning when you eat carbohydrates whilst sitting at work, for example, the high insulin will cause the circulating blood sugar (carbohydrate) to be taken up by the fat cells, and convert it to fat (lipogenisis) and store it. However after exercise it is the muscle cells that become more sensitive to the influence of insulin, having a glycogen replenishing effect.

This increase in insulin will also increase amino acid uptake into the muscle, driving protein synthesis. After exercise there is protein synthesis (building), but there is greater protein catabolism (breakdown), leaving the body in a protein negative state (nitrogen deficit). This is why is it essential at this stage to introduce the correct nutrients at this insulin sensitive point will switch the balance to protein synthesis (positive nitrogen balance). Therefore we suggest a protein shake containing your recommended grams of protein and carbohydrates. Whey is generally considered the best one, although some people prefer the vegan or vegetarian alternatives. It’s a good idea to buy a high protein low carbohydrate mix and add your own carbohydrate in the form of dextrose or maltodextrose so you can measure your own specific quantities.

We recommend taking 1000mg of Vitamin C in this period to boost the immune system, which is suppressed during exercise. Vitamin C will help speed up the recovery of damaged muscles and reduce the hormone cortisol, preventing any further muscle breakdown. We also recommend taking 10g of Glutamine in this window. It is used by the muscles during exercise and therefore needs to be replaced and like Vitamin C it is also needed to fuel the immune cells.

Nutrient Timing Phase Three
The third and final phase is the growth, repair and recovery phase. This is the 24 hours post training. It is in this phase that the majority of strength, muscle gains and adaptations occur. It’s essential in the next 24-hours to keep giving the body the nutrients it needs. Spread your carbohydrate, protein and fat evenly throughout this 24-hour period. The goal in this phase is to balance blood sugar. To learn how these macronutrients are digested and absorbed (link: Digestion and Metabolism)

The amount of carbohydrates your body requires on non-training days will inevitably be less than on training days. However, the 24 hours after exercise is when your body is actually repairing, building and adapting, so it is better to wait until after this window before reducing your carbohydrates. It’s only 24 hours after your last workout that your carbs intake will need to be reduced, and for any subsequent, consecutive non-training days.


Safe Fat Loss
YBP’s approach is not the quick fix fad; it is scientifically based on the latest research. You won't lose a stone in a week. Quick weight loss is not healthy or maintainable. You may also notice that at YBP we say fat loss not weight loss, this is because with rapid weight loss there is more muscle tissue and water loss than fat. This has the effect of slowing down metabolism, actually making it easier to store fat, subsequently making you put on more fat than you had previously. This is where the term yo yo dieting comes from. Leptin is a hormone that related to the amount of fat you have, the more fat the more leptin. Leptin controls appetite, modulates metabolism and promotes fat burning. When fat drops dramatically there is also a drop in leptin, triggering the body to slip into starvation mode. Starvation mode causes a reduction of daily energy expenditure by lowering metabolism, increasing hunger signals and increasing breakdown of protein for energy (gluconeogenesis) and slowing the breakdown of any further fat for energy (lipolysis). The extreme response by the body is not only to regain the fat that has been lost, but extra fat too. There are of course health risks related to rapid weight loss. Calorie restriction will inevitably cause a lack of essential nutrients. Nutrient deficiencies will affect the functioning of the whole body, causing immune suppression, fluid imbalances, cramps, loss of bone mass, the list could go on and on. A safe, attainable and maintainable fat loss is 1-2 pound per week. Take note that Fat loss programmes tend to include more intense training routines. The increase in exercise intensity accompanied by a calorie restricted diet and depleted glycogen stores can cause tiredness. You will undoubtedly notice a slight loss in strength during a fat loss period.


Carbohydrates are the bodies preferred source of fuel. Consumed carbohydrates either need to be used immediately or stored as glycogen. (link: Glycogen). Carbohydrates have received bad press over the years due to their association with fat gain. It’s true that eating the wrong type of carbs in the wrong amounts and at the wrong time of day will cause fat gain. Whether the body uses or stores the carbs depends on your glycogen (stored carbohydrate) status, and your activity level. When your blood sugar levels drop (hours without food or 25-30 minutes into a workout), glycogen will be released for fuel. Only a finite amount of glycogen can be stored, so it's essential to spread your carbohydrates throughout the day rather than eating too much at one sitting. Eating more carbohydrate than your body needs at any point will inevitably lead to it being converted to fat, a process called De novo lipogenesis. Whether you eat carbohydrates before bed depends on your goal and body type (see your nutrient table).

Eating some complex carbohydrates when you wake will provide some much needed energy to start the day, ensure glycogen stores are full for training and stop any muscle breakdown. How much and how long before training depends on your body type and goal (check your personal nutrition table).

Post workout your blood sugar and glycogen stores will have depleted, the longer and more intense the workout then the greater the depletion. Protein is also important at this time, however blood sugar and glycogen replenishment is the most important thing for your body. This is when the simple, fast acting carbohydrates are required as your body is sensitive to the refuelling and recovery effects of insulin. Check your nutrition table for the recommended post workout carb and protein amounts.

It’s essential to replenish your glycogen stores post training. The body stores the carbohydrates we eat as glycogen. Glycogen is a multi-branched polysaccharide of glucose (single unit of carbohydrate). Our second long-term energy store, glycogen is made in the cells of the liver and muscles. It is this energy reserve that is actually converted back into glucose during the training session. The more intense the session, the more is used. Light or low intensity exercise/activities utilise the first long-term energy store, which is fat (this doesn’t mean you should be doing low intensity training to lose fat. Read your cardio section on your profile page for more info).

Each molecule of glycogen is hydrated with three to four parts water. This stored glycogen is important in helping prevent muscle catabolism (breakdown). At YBP we don’t advocate extreme low carbohydrate diets (Ketogenic). The carbohydrate amount we estimate is based on your body type, goal and daily activity levels. Low carbohydrate diets are less than 150g per day, an extremely low carbohydrate (ketogenic) diet is below 50g per day. (link: ketosis)

Low carbohydrates in the diet will lower thyroid hormone output as it tries to slow metabolism, in order to prevent starvation. It will also cause low insulin production which in turn will increase sodium loss through the kidneys, which coupled with high intensity interval training can leave you dehydrated and deficient in the important electrolytes. This will cause bloating, lightheadedness, headaches, fatigue and constipation. It’s important to balance blood sugar and have a slow controlled release of insulin, but like everything in the body homeostasis is key, too much/little is not advised. Too little carbohydrate will cause a depletion of glycogen, which will subsequently lead to fatigue, especially during high intensity workouts, when you will want to have plenty of energy. It will also lead to the breakdown of protein from muscle. Conversely, eating too much carbohydrate, the wrong type and at the wrong time, will lead to too much insulin being produced by the cells in the pancreas and consequently fat gain. YBP have given you a base reference carbohydrate intake point to start from. This base point may change depending on the information we receive from your monthly feedback form.

Keeping your blood sugar (glucose) balanced throughout the day is not only essential to prevent fat gain but it also prevents many other symptoms such as low energy, mood swings, depression, low immunity, inflammation, headaches, dizziness, the need for more than 8 hours sleep, the need for tea or coffee to get going, frequent urination, heavy sweating, cravings for sweet foods, palpitations and feeling thirsty. Throughout the day blood glucose levels may fluctuate outside of the body’s desired blood glucose range. Blood sugar levels rise after a meal, stimulant or stress. If you are stressed, if you eat high glycemic carbohydrates or if you drink too much caffeine you will experience an initial rise in blood sugar, followed by a crashing down to below the desired levels. Insulin is a hormone responsible for keeping the blood sugar levels within the normal desired range. Insulin works by opening channels on cell membranes to facilitate glucose uptake from blood into the cells.

To help keep your blood sugar within a healthy range, avoid refined foods (white bread, white pasta, white rice), sugary foods (confectionary, sugary drinks), convenience foods (they often contain hidden sugars and can be high in saturated fats) and stimulants (tea, coffee, alcohol, chocolate). Instead, eat foods that balance blood sugar such as whole grains (complex carbohydrates, which release sugars slowly into the blood to provide sustained energy and help balance blood sugar). These include brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, sweet potato, whole grain pasta and wholegrain bread. Oats are particularly good, making them an excellent choice, particularly for breakfast.

Aim for seven pieces of fresh fruit and vegetables per day, ideally having two pieces of fruit and five portions of vegetables (a single portion is around 80g). Fresh fruits and vegetables are a good source of fibre and contain essential vitamins and minerals that are needed for blood sugar balance and general health. Try to include a wide variety of colours including dark green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and kale.

Essential fats, found in oily fish, nuts, seeds and their oils, improve insulin’s ability to transport glucose out of the blood into cells. Although we do not advocate eating low carbohydrate diets at YBP, certain body types who tend to be intolerant to large amounts of carbohydrates will need to eat less than other body types, but still not an extremely low carb diet. The more sedentary a person is the less carbohydrates they will need. All these factors are taken into consideration from the information gathered on your YBP questionnaire to give you the most accurate carbohydrate estimation possible.

You should include a protein source at each meal and snack, ideally a source that does not contain high levels of saturated fats (see food chart for more info). Protein slows digestion which creates a slower release of sugar into the bloodstream and subsequently a gradual, even release of insulin. Fibre found in fruit, vegetables, whole grains, beans and lentils also help slow the absorption of sugars into the bloodstream.

Drink plenty of water (mineral/filtered if possible), herbal / fruit teas and diluted fruit juices. Eating little and often is the way to help your body keep blood sugar balanced so include snacks in your diet.



You need to get the correct amount of protein in your diet to allow your body to build and repair your muscles. Tissues, ligaments, hair, skin, nails and muscles are all made from protein, as well as hormones, enzymes and some chemicals essential for life.

Protein is made from chains of smaller molecules called amino acids. These are the most basic building blocks of your body. Your body requires twenty-one amino acids to build proteins, it can make twelve but the remaining nine need to be obtained from food. These are called essential amino acids. These are phenylalanine, valine, threonine, tryptophan, methionine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine and histidine. The body requires the correct amount of protein to provide it with these essential amino acids to build and repair. When you are training regularly it increases your body's demand for protein, as training damages muscles more than if you are sedentary. It’s still vital even for a sedentary person to consume adequate protein to prevent muscle loss and slowing of the metabolism.

Protein performs a wide variety of jobs including cell signalling (insulin is a protein), DNA replication and repair and muscle growth. Every day, not just the muscle cells but all body cells die and need to be repaired and replaced. This process is increased through exercise as you are essentially damaging muscle fibres so they grow back bigger and stronger. Not getting the correct amount of protein per day will affect the functioning of your body and therefore your results.

Making sure you have the right amount of protein will help you to build muscle, burn fat, preserve lean mass and increase satiety. There’s a lot of conflicting information as to how much protein you should eat per day. YBP performed a meta-analysis of many studies in order to give you what we believe to be your ideal amount of protein.

Like carbohydrates, overeating protein can also cause fat gain. Excess protein will be converted to glucose and if not used for energy converted into fat. Intake of protein should remain consistent on both training days and rest days as your body is in a state or recovery and repair throughout the week and therefore requires it.


Fats are important for correct and healthy functioning of the body. Fat has many jobs. Fat helps the absorption of fat soluble vitamins, A,D,E and K, provides the highest concentration of stored energy  of all the macronutrients (50-60,000Kcals) and helps with regulating hormones. Fat is the preferred fuel for the body during lower intensity exercises such as walking, sitting at your desk and even when sleeping.

During long duration and low to moderate intensity exercise periods, fat provides the main fuel source, however a small amount is also needed during high intensity exercise (where carbohydrate is predominately used) to help access stored carbohydrate (glycogen). Fat is slow to digest, it can take up to 6 hours. The conversion of stored fat to energy (lipolysis), requires a great deal of oxygen, so exercise intensity must decrease for fat to be able to be used for fuel.

Fat is the dominant fuel source on rest days, due to the low intensity of general life (unless you have a very active job). Don’t eat fat immediately before or during exercise, as its long digestion time can cause a sluggish feeling and indigestion. It is also thought that fat can affect oxygen availability by decreasing nitric oxide (helps dilation of blood vessels). (link: Importance of Fat)