Below are a list of exercises that you can use as an alternative to the ones on your programme. The exercises become progressively harder as you scroll down.
Sit on the lat pull down machine with a close underhand grip. Retract the shoulders, lean the torso backwards an inch and pull the bar towards your breastbone. Keep the chest lifted and core engaged. Raise the bar with control.
Sit on the lat pull down machine with a wide overhand grip. Retract the shoulders, lean the torso backwards an inch and pull the bar towards your breastbone. Keep the chest lifted and core engaged. Raise the bar with control maintaining an open position across the chest.
LAT PULL – Cable
Kneel on 1 knee and hold high cables in both hands. Pull your arms into your side whilst keeping your chest lifted. Extend the arms with control.
LAT PULL – Cable
Kneel and hold high cables in both hands. Begin with the elbows pulled into your side holding the contraction. Extend one arm then pull it back into the body. The other arm will be working to hold the contraction. Keep the chest lifted throughout the exercise.
Stand facing a high cable and hold a straight bar attachment with both hands. Begin with the arms extended just above shoulder height. Engage your core and press the bar down to your thighs whilst lifting your chest and maintaining neutral spine. Raise with control.
PULL-OVER – Swiss Ball / Dumbbell
Support your head and shoulders on a swiss ball, raise your hips and hold a dumbbell above you in both hands. With slight elbow flexion, lower the weight behind you on the inhale. Keep the arms lengthened and bring the weight back over the body as you exhale. Maintain neutral spine.
PULL-OVER – Cable / Swiss Ball
Support your head and shoulders on a swiss ball, raise your hips and take hold of a low cable from behind you (use a straight bar attachment) Keep your arms straight and bring the bar forwards until it is above your waistline, maintain neutral spine throughout and keep the hips raised.