• 10g Flax seeds

  • 10g Dates

  • 10g Figs

  • 10g Prunes

  • 30g Pear

  • 30g Carrot

  • 30g Peaches

  • 200ml Coconut water


Add all of the ingredients to your mixer and blend.




Ingredient Benefit
Flax seeds contain both soluble and insoluble fibre needed for food transit through the body.
Dates, Figs & Prunes are fibre rich and contain potassium. Potassium acts like an electrolyte helping to balance water, fluid and sodium levels in the digestive tract. Low potassium can lead to both bloating and constipation, so it's helpful for elctrolyte balance.
Pear & Peaches a good source of fibre.
Carrots contain both beta-carotene and soluble fibre and help remove ADL cholesterol.
Coconut water contains electrolytes which help hydrate. Constipation can be both a cause of and be caused by dehydration, which is why these are important.