fat spots


A pot belly is different from a fat belly as it is harder and higher in appearance (a little like a pregnant belly), while a fat belly is a soft accumulation of fat around the middle. Although developing a pot belly is not a hormonal issue like the other fat spots, it does indicates a problem with the liver.

IMBALANCE: Liver function

CAUSE: High saturated diet, excessive alcohol consumption, low fibre diet, low nutrient rich diet, low water consumption, particular medication, ageing, nicotine, steroids, pesticides, barbecue meat, exhaust fumes.

DIETARY ADVICE: Avoid alcohol, animal fats and red meat, hydrogenated fats, chocolate, coffee, fried foods, sugar and processed foods.

SUPPLEMENT AND HERBAL ADVICE: Milk thistle, high potency multi-vitamin and mineral, vitamins B, C, E and beta-carotene (protect the liver from damage and help it to detoxify), choline, betaine, methionine, vitamin B6, folic acid and vitamin B12 (promote the flow of fat and bile to and from the liver). These are lipotropic agents, promoting a decongesting effect.

RELATED CONDITIONS: Weight gain (especially around the abdomen), sugar cravings and hypoglycaemia, candida overgrowth, cellulite and water retention, bloating and indigestion, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, fatigue, anxiety, tension, mood swings and depression, skin rashes and itchy areas, night sweats, cirrhosis, hepatitis and hemochromatosis.



A fat belly is a soft accumulation of fat around the middle, while a pot belly is harder and more pronounced. A person with a fat belly often has thin arms and legs. This fat spot can be due to an imbalance of the hormone cortisol. It is very common in today's society due to the fast paced stressful lives which many of us lead. Cortisol levels can also be affected through diet and have extremely bad health consequences.


CAUSE: Chronic stress, over consumption of sugar, alcohol and/or caffeine, nutrient deficiencies.

DIETARY ADVICE: BSB (Blood Sugar Balance) diet

SUPPLEMENT AND HERBAL ADVICE: Multi-vitamin, magnesium (to calm nerves), an increase of essential fatty acids
There are typically two different presentations of a cortisol imbalance, wired or tired, which can each be addressed with different additional supplements and herbs.
Wired: Rehmannia and schisandra, which help to strengthen adrenals.
Tired: Asian ginseng and rhodiola, which help the body to adapt and cope with physical and psychological  stress.




The term Moobs (man + boobs) is used to describe fat accumulation around the chest area giving the appearance of breasts. This can occur in men whether they’re overweight or not. Low testosterone is often the culprit. This hormonal imbalance could be the result of a poor diet, lack of exercise and a stressful life.

HORMONAL IMBALANCE: Low testosterone

CAUSE: Too much oestrogen in relation to testosterone. Many things can contribute to this imbalance, being overweight can increase oestrogen levels, as the strongest form of oestrogen which is oestradiol is made in fat stores. Increasing exercise not only helps reduce fat stores but has also been shown to reduce oestrogen levels.

Alcohol, especially beer, promotes oestrogen production. Artificial oestrogen's called xenoestrogens can be artificial or synthetic compounds which imitate the hormone oestrogen. Synthetic Xenoestrogens are found in PCB's (Polychlorinated biphenyl), PBA (bisphenol A) and phthalate. These have an oestrogenic affect on the body. Xenoestrogens are found in plastic, pesticides, insecticides, some food preservatives (BHA-butylatde hydroxyanisole). Try to eat organic when possible. 

Natural oestrogens (phytooestrogens) are found in pulses (chickpeas, red kidney beans and lentils). Phytoeostrogen attach to oestrogen receptors on the cell surface producing a milder oestrogenic affect, blocking the more potent natural oestrogen's like oestradiol. 

Foods that contain indole-3-carbinol (such as kale and broccoli) convert the potent oestradoil to a milder form of the hormone. 

A lack of fibre can also contribute to a testosterone/oestrogen imbalance. Fibre is essential to the removal of excess hormones and chemicals from the body in conjunction with the liver. Stress and lack of sleep increase the hormone cortisol which subsequently lowers testosterone increasing the imbalance with oestrogen. Avoid antibiotics when possible, as they reduce the beneficial gut bacteria which helps in the removal of chemical and human oestrogen's. 

It is worth trying to increase your testosterone levels. There are many factors that can contribute to low testosterone levels. High blood glucose decreases the production of testosterone. High levels of stress and caffeine increase cortisol levels which subsequently also decreases testosterone levels.

The ratio between testosterone and oestrogen can also be a factor, so working to decrease oestrogen may elevate testosterone. A lack of fibre (needed to excrete oestrogen), a diet high in saturated fat, food and drink that contain chemicals and preservatives plus pharmaceutical and recreational drugs, all block the liver reducing its ability to break down and remove oestrogen. If you regularly suffer from symptoms such as: bloating, migraines, headaches, runny nose, hives, irritable bowl and generally feeling under the weather, it may be worth testing for food allergies and intolerances, as they may contribute to increased oestrogen levels. Contraceptives, HRT, cigarettes and many cosmetics also have the effect of increasing oestrogen levels. 

It is also thought that a lack of sex, sleep and a calorie deficit will also reduce testosterone. A deficiency in nutrients that are needed to produce testosterone will obviously inhibit adequate production of testosterone (essential fatty acids, vitamin B, vitamin C and zinc). Exercising at high intensity helps to increase testosterone levels.

DIETARY ADVICE: BSB (Blood Sugar Balance) diet, supporting the liver.

SUPPLEMENT AND HERBAL ADVICE: Multi-vitamin, probiotic's, essential fats, DIM (diindolylmethane, a natural compound derived from indole-3-carbinol found in cruciferous vegetables, promotes more efficient oestrogen metabolism allowing free testosterone to rise), zinc (is important in the production of testosterone and inhibits the enzyme aromatase), tribulus (stimulates testosterone levels), calcium D-glucarate (naturally found in fruit and vegetables, oestrogen is broken down in the liver using glucuronic acid in the glucuronidation pathway. Oestrogen is then removed in bile, unless an enzyme called beta glucuronidase breaks the oestrogen-glucuronic acid bond which allows it to be re-absorbed, calcium D-glucarate inhibits glucuronidase).



Love handles is a term used to refer to fat deposits around the waist line. This is a notorious spot for men as they have higher amounts of Alpha-2 receptors in that area, which make fat loss harder. However they can appear on both men and women and include fatty areas that hang or slightly bulge from the sides and the lower back. This fat spot can be due to an imbalance of the hormone insulin which has many detrimental risk factors, diabetes being the most common. In today's society this is an ever growing problem.

An insulin imbalance is most commonly caused by a blood sugar imbalance (see attached article). However food intolerance, leaky gut and candida have also been linked to an imbalance of insulin. If you regularly suffer from symptoms such as: bloating, migraines, headaches, runny nose, hives, irritable bowl or generally feeling under the weather then it might be worth getting tested for candida or food intolerances. Insulin is the hormone responsible for keeping blood sugar levels under control. Blood sugar spikes after you eat, especially high glycemic carbohydrates, consume caffeine or if you are in a stressed state. Insulin is the hormone released to bring blood sugar down to a safe healthy level. If insulin levels are chronically high this can contribute to fat accumulation around the waist.


CAUSE: Blood sugar imbalance, stress, food intolerance, leaky gut and candida can all blunt insulin’s response to sugar.

DIETARY ADVICE: Balance your blood sugar by reducing refined sugars and high glycemic foods, instead opt for low glycemic foods.

SUPPLEMENT AND HERBAL ADVICE: Multi-vitamin, chromium (helps to control blood sugar levels), zinc (essential for the production of insulin), magnesium (needed for energy production and blood glucose control), cinnamon (slows digestion, and is a powerful antioxidant that can reduce damage to insulin receptors by free radicals), essential fats, glucomannan fibre (improves blood glucose control and improves the action of insulin, while also reducing blood cholesterol levels).

RELATED CONDITIONS: Diabetes, increased inflammation, PCOS, heart disease.



Fat deposits that accumulate around the hips, bum and thigh area are sometimes referred to as saddlebags. This is a notorious spot for women as they have higher amounts of Alpha-2 receptors in that area, which make fat loss harder. This particular fat spot is more common in women as it is linked to an imbalance of the hormone oestrogen.


CAUSE: A lack of fibre (needed to excrete oestrogen), a diet high in saturated fat, foods and drinks that contain chemicals and preservatives, plus pharmaceutical and recreational drugs, all block the liver and reduce its ability to break down and remove oestrogen. If you regularly suffer from symptoms such as: bloating, migraines, headaches, runny nose, hives, irritable bowl and generally feeling under the weather, it may be worth testing for food allergies and intolerances, as they may contribute to increased oestrogen levels. Contraceptives, HRT, cigarettes and many cosmetics also have the effect of increasing oestrogen levels. 

DIETARY ADVICE: BSB (Blood Sugar Balance) diet, liver supporting diet, attention to hydration.

SUPPLEMENT AND HERBAL ADVICE: Multi-vitamin, essential fats, DIM (Diindolylmethane, breaks down oestrogens into good metabolites, rather than bad ones, found naturally in cruciferous foods. Obesity and xenoestrogens contribute to the production of the bad metabolites), green tea (contains catechins and caffeine, which when consumed together increase fat metabolism), vitex agnus castus (encourages more progesterone production and is good for PMS Symptoms like breast tenderness, fluid retention, irritability, mood swings and painful heavy periods), calcium D-glucarate (naturally found in fruit and vegetables, oestrogen is broken down in the liver using glucuronic acid in the glucuronidation pathway. Oestrogen is then removed in bile unless an enzyme called beta glucuronidase breaks the oestrogen-glucuronic acid bond which allows it to be re-absorbed, calcium D-glucarate inhibits glucuronidase).




Bingo wings is a phrase that refers to fat deposits that hang from your upper arms. More commonly believed to be a female condition yet it can also plague men. A decrease in testosterone levels is thought to be the cause which has associated consequences such as loss of libido.

HORMONAL IMBALANCE: Low testosterone

CAUSE: There are many factors that can contribute to low testosterone levels. High blood glucose decreases the production of testosterone. High levels of stress and caffeine increase cortisol levels which subsequently also decreases testosterone levels.

The ratio between testosterone and oestrogen can also be a factor, so working to decrease oestrogen may elevate testosterone. A lack of fibre (needed to excrete oestrogen), a diet high in saturated fat, foods and drinks that contain chemicals and preservatives, plus pharmaceutical and recreational drugs, all block the liver and reduce its ability to break down and remove oestrogen. If you regularly suffer from symptoms such as: bloating, migraines, headaches, runny nose, hives, irritable bowl and generally feeling under the weather, it may be worth testing for food allergies and intolerances, as they may contribute to increased oestrogen levels. Contraceptives, HRT, cigarettes and many cosmetics also have the effect of increasing oestrogen levels. 

It is also thought that a lack of sex, sleep and a calorie deficit will also reduce testosterone. A deficiency in nutrients that are needed to produce testosterone will obviously inhibit adequate production of testosterone (essential fatty acids, vitamin B, vitamin C and zinc). Exercising at high intensity helps to increase testosterone levels.

High blood glucose decreases testosterone production, essential fat deficiency (needed to make testosterone), vitamin B and C deficiency, lack of sex, lack of sleep, stress, lack of exercise, lack of calories.

DIETARY ADVICE: BSB (Blood Sugar Balance) diet

SUPPLEMENT AND HERBAL ADVICEMulti-vitamin, essential fats, nettle root (safely increases testosterone levels, by inhibiting SHBG from removing testosterone, it also inhibits the enzyme aromatase that converts testosterone to oestrogen), tribulus (stimulates testosterone levels), oats and ginseng (help to restore adrenal levels and balance hormones).




All over is the term we have given to this particular fat spot which relates to stubborn hard to shift fat over the whole body. Often there is a concentration of fat around the mid back, a bulge around the bra strap area. This condition tends to affect women more than men and can be linked to thyroid issues.


CAUSE: Underactive thyroid, stress, nutrient deficiencies (zinc, selenium, iodine which are required to make tyroxine) antimicrobial, anti diabetic, oestrogen based medications, heavy metal toxicity. Also diets high in alcohol, overtraining and stress increase the hormone cortisol which prevents the conversion of thyroxine-4 (T4 = less potent) to thyroxine 3 (T3 = most potent). This has the effect of reducing thyroid function.

DIETARY ADVICE: BSB (Blood Sugar Balance) diet, supporting liver. Avoid Goitrogens (spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, cabbage, soya bean, peanuts, peaches, radishes, mustard, swede, turnips and strawberries) especially raw. When they are cooked well they have less of a harmful effect, although you may lose essential nutrients. 

SUPPLEMENT AND HERBAL ADVICE: Multi vitamin, essential fatty acids, selenium, to convert T4 to T3 is a selenium containing enzyme (Deiodinase), L-tyrosine (needed to manufacture thyroid hormone, low tyrosine can lead to depression) vitamin D3 (for good thyroid function), zinc (needed in the production of thyroxin) Liquorice root (the plant compound, glycyrrhizin helps the thyroid by boosting the adrenals in times of stress) Gum guggul (contains a resin that helps the conversion of T4 to T3).