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Case Study:
John SMith
I started my career as a professional dancer before moving into the fitness industry 10 years ago. My background as a dancer established my style of training, I focus on posture, strength and mobility. I strive to understand the individual needs of my clients. I’m dedicated and will work hard to help them achieve their goals, whilst encouraging overall health. With my knowledge and support, and my clients hard work and determination, I feel much is possible. Two years ago, along with a client, I reached the top of Kilimanjaro...I believe in aiming high!
I offer safe and effective training throughout your pregnancy and long after. I have extensive knowledge in dealing with conditions such as pubis synthesis disorder and pelvic girdle pain. My aim through this challenging time, is to keep you strong, healthy and to help you regain your physique and fitness level after the birth. For further information, please take a look at my articles :
Exercising during pregnancy
Postnatal exercise
My experience as a FFY instructor adds another level of diversity to my personal training skills. Where beneficial to my clients, I incorporate it into our PT sessions. It fuses traditional yoga postures with contemporary fitness principles, every element is validated from a fitness perspective. There is no dogma, chanting or use of Sanskrit terms. By sequencing postures together, I create lively challenging workouts. It helps to improve posture, strength and flexibility.
I was inspired to move into the fitness industry after rehabilitating my own body through many dance injuries. The knowledge and experience I gained was key to my success as a trainer. I have since helped clients suffering from a range of problems, from long term back issues to major ligament damage resulting from ski accidents. I work closely with physiotherapists and my in-depth knowledge as a sports massage therapist has been vital to my clients recovery.
My experience as a FFY instructor adds another level of diversity to my personal training skills. Where beneficial to my clients, I incorporate it into our PT sessions. It fuses traditional yoga postures with contemporary fitness principles, every element is validated from a fitness perspective. There is no dogma, chanting or use of Sanskrit terms. By sequencing postures together, I create lively challenging workouts. It helps to improve posture, strength and flexibility.
I was inspired to move into the fitness industry after rehabilitating my own body through many dance injuries. The knowledge and experience I gained was key to my success as a trainer. I have since helped clients suffering from a range of problems, from long term back issues to major ligament damage resulting from ski accidents. I work closely with physiotherapists and my in-depth knowledge as a sports massage therapist has been vital to my clients recovery.